Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Composition Assignment

Rule of thirds- Main subject is not in the direct middle of the photo.
Leading lines- eyes move towards the background of the photo, not just the main subject
Multiple Subjects- with a small subject compared to the photo, there are different things to look at due to the background expansion
Simplicity- nice and simple, one subject is the main subject
Avoid bulls eye- avoids the direct middle of the photo
Brightness and sharpness- the angle gives the photo its sharpness and the light in the photo changes the brightness overall
Emphasize foreground- makes the photo pop with colors
emphasize height and distance- the reflection of the statue gives the photo its height and the angle of the photo gives the subject its distance


  1. Explain how each picture meets each point to show you understand.

  2. Stop taking pictures of other peoples art work. It is a plagiarism issue.

  3. Fix the following, they are incorrect:
    Emphasize Height and distance
    Emphasize foreground
    leading lines

  4. nice effort but could be better especially on the brightness one beacsue its not orignal

  5. Great lighting on the photos and has a lot of character in them. They are fun and entertaining to see and he did a great job taking the photos and the edits on them.
